3. What are the different working groups? MWS WGs: A-10 / B-1 / B-2 / B-52 / Air & Space Operations Center / Air Support Operations Center / AWACS / CRC /F-15C / F-15E / F-16 / F/A-22 / F-35 / AOC / MQ 9 / RQ-4/ RQ-170 / U-2/EC-130 / RC-135 / JSTARS / EC-130 / HH-60 / Guardian Angel / DCGS / AS / GPA / GIISR / PR / NDO / JTACS / UH-1 / ICBM /EA-18G / RQ-170 / TACP / Offensive Cyber Operations / Densive Cyber Operations / Unit Level intelligence plus the 5 Functional Working Groups and 5 Mission Focus Working Groups.


WEPTAC TRADESHOW January 14 and 15 2026