5. Who may participate in the Industry Trade Show? The Trade Show is open to any company that has an interest in exhibiting to the warfighter. Some of the technology requested, but not limited to: mission planning, mission debriefing, airborne laser, bore-sighting systems, weapons suspension and release, UAVs, aircraft engines, aircraft avionics, data link, AI, ejection seats, survival gear and personnel equipment, air-to-air missiles, inertial navigational systems, advanced targeting pods, HARM, JSOW, JDAM, JASSM, LGBs, air-to-ground weapons, electronic attack systems, Space, Cyber, ICBM, BOL, AVTR systems, NVGs, helmet cueing systems, F-35, and F-22. Block space early by registering (see question 8) and follow up with a phone call/E-mail to the Trade Show POC at 866-681-4069 or tradeshow@weptac.com to ensure availability. To ensure availability and your acceptance to the show look for a personal E-mail from the show POC. .


WEPTAC TRADESHOW January 14 and 15 2026